Consideraciones epistemológicas en torno a la medicalización en américa latina: balances y propuestas

Murguía Lores, Adriana Ordorika Sacristán, Teresa Guerrero Mc Manus, Fabrizzio

Consideraciones epistemológicas en torno a la medicalización en américa latina: balances y propuestas - México - 99-128 - 2016 Volumen 24, número 46

The process of medicalization of society, which implies the expansion of the medical expertise scope, is a salient aspect of late modernity. As such, this process has reach a global dimension. Nonetheless, it is unlikely that this process occurs identically in every single part of the globe. Therefore, we believe it is fundamental to analyze the epistemologies of medicalization, in other words, of the array of methodological strategies employed in the study of this process. Under this light we offer here a thoughtful reflection on the risks and merits usually found in the research on this topic. Hence, we offer some directions as well as a number of cases in which we exemplify the relevance of these already mentioned guidelines = LUDUS VITALIS : REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA DE LAS CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA