Museums & dialogue between cultures = Museos & diálogo entre culturas [recurso electrónico en línea] - Ciudad de México : Oficina de la Unesco en México, ©2018. - 1 recurso en línea (283 páginas ): PDF, fotografías

Question the gaze. Museums and anthropology in the XXI Century /Interrogar la mirada. El museo y la disciplina antropológica en el siglo XXI / Cultural diversity and museums as a paradigm of international law. Conceptual bases of the discussion / Diversidad cultural y museos como paradigma de derecho internacional. Bases conceptuales de la discusión / UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society / Recomendación de la UNESCO Relativa a la Protección y Promoción de los Museos y Colecciones, su Diversidad y su Función en la Sociedad -- The Humboldt Forum: an introduction / New neighbors. The national museums of Berlin on their way to the Humboldt Forum / Ivory - the DNA of the art world a project of the Museum of Asian Art in the Humboldt Forum / Museums, anthropology and dialogue between cultures: reflections of an observer / Displaced objects. On exhibiting ethnographic artefacts / Ethnographic absences and emergences: towards a museology for social justice / Le cinema dans les musees / World anthropologies and museums. Re-presentations, conversations and diversity / Museos y la política del reconocimiento / Anthropology, museums, diversity, and dialogue / The Humboldt Forum. New anthropologies for old collections / Credibility and cultural appropriation. New anthropologies for old collections museums and cultural appropriation / Museo Estatal de Arte Popular “Oaxaca” / La importancia e influencia de la biodiversidad en la creación popular y académica / Summary Report of the International Meeting on Museums, Anthropology and Dialogue Between Cultures, in the Essence of the Humboldt Forum / Nuria Sanz -- Nuria Sanz & Gustavo Lins Ribeiro -- Tarek Ibrahim -- Dorothee Wagner -- Raffael Dedo Gadebusch -- Robin Dennell -- Karl-Heinz Kohl -- Nuno Porto -- Jean-Pierre Bekolo -- Gustavo Lins Ribeiro -- Antonio Motta -- Christian Feest -- Anthony Alan Shelton -- Alexis Celeste Bunten -- Carlomagno Pedro Martínez -- Walther Boelsterly -- Nuria Sanz, Gustavo Lins Ribeiro & Robin Dennell.

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