Natural sciencie : selections from the twentieth century / Henri Poincaré ... [et al.]. - 2nd ed. - Chicago, EUA : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1990. - xvi, 749 p. : il. - Great books of the western world ; 56 .

Biografías: p. ix, p. 73, p. 121, p.189., p.247, p.299, p.359, p.387, p.461, p.507, p.691

Contenido: Science and hypothesis / Scientific autobiography and other papers / An introduction to mathematics / Relativity : the special and general theory / The expandig universe / Selections from atomic theory and the description of nature ; Discussion with Einstein on epistemological problems in atomic physics / A mathematician's apology / Physics and philosophy / What is life? / Genetics and the origin of species / the nature of life / Henri Poincaré -- Max Planck -- Alfred North Whitehead -- Albert Einstein -- Sir Arthur Eddington -- Niels Bohr -- G. H. Hardy -- Werner Heisenberg -- Erwin Schrödinger -- Theodosius Dobzhansky -- C.H. Waddington


Ciencias naturales
Física nuclear